Thomas Demand, 'Daily #15' (2015) (detail). Framed Dye Transfer Print. © Thomas Demand, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn/ DACS, London. Courtesy Matthew Marks Gallery/ Esther Schipper/ Sprueth Magers Gallery.
Dr. Tamara Trodd is Senior Lecturer in Modern and Contemporary Art at the University of Edinburgh, with a specialism in film and photography. She is editor of the book, 'Screen/Space: The Projected Image in Contemporary Art' and author of the new book, 'The Art of Mechanical Reproduction: Technology and Aesthetics, from Duchamp to the Digital', which is out now with the University of Chicago Press. She has published previously on the work of Thomas Demand, with an essay in the journal Art History, entitled 'Deforming Pictures'. Tamara offers her thoughts on Thomas Demand’s Dailies series, in relation to the question of realism in contemporary art.