Design: A Practice for Everyday Life.
'A Place for the Work and the Human Being' runs throughout 2019 and takes place in a range of venues, new and old, around Glasgow. The series explores the needs, expectations and possibilities of the space for art today and speakers include artists, architects, curators and others.
For our sixth talk in the series, we were delighted to present the Glasgow-based architect, Jude Barber.
Photo: Alan Dimmick
Jude Barber is a director at Collective Architecture. The 48-strong, employee-owned and controlled studio is founded on principles of creative freedom, equity and sustainability. In 2018 Collective Architecture was named 2018 AJ Architect of the Year. Together, the team has delivered several key civic and cultural projects around the UK including the new home for Collective, Edinburgh, at the City Observatory on Calton Hill, which was awarded a RIBA National Award 2019.
Langside Halls were designed by John Gibson in 1847. It was originally the National Bank of Scotland in Queen Street, but the buidling was dismantled and moved brick by brick to its present location in 1902.